Tim Tech Consults
Tim Tech Consults premiers App Development & Marketing that provides Turnkey Solution for all major mobile, tablet, social media and web platforms, including iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, HTML 5, Facebook, Web 2D, 3D isometric Game Development. With our extensive knowledge in the field of a highly ....
Address:Namugongo-Naalya road,block 1414 Quality mall
Jentroy Uganda Limited
We are an exciting and innovative software, mobile web application development company Based in Kampala-Uganda, that contributes to our clients’ unique customized products, through vast collective experience expertise. Jentroy Uganda was started 3 years ago has over the been building systems ....
Address:Plot 401/402 Bombo Road
Sempa Software
I am involved in the design, and manufacturing of computer software, mainly for Microsoft Windows Operating System Environment. We have been around about 10 years. also software from authorised dealers will sale it to you. can ship you wherever UPS, FEDEX DHL serve. sell Vista, Adobe Security Data ....
Address:Lumumba Avenue