• Company Name : Foxtech Computing Co.
  • About Us : At Fox tech Computing Co., Foxtech Computing Co. provide a full range of outsourcing services and solutions to businesses, government, and industry leaders, both large and small. When our clients choose Fox tech Computing Co., they feel confident and secure that they will receive the best people, the best tools, and the assurance that their Fox tech Computing Co. team will be there every step of the way until success is achieved. <br/>Fox tech Computing Co., capabilities and expertise span the areas of Information Technology Systems & Integration, e-Solutions, and Consultancy, Interim Management, Support and Development services to small and medium sized enterprises.<br/>Our prime expertise is in Information Technology Management and Organization based on real experience in both Multinational and Pakistan based companies. Our mission is to DE-mystify the IT function and bring the benefits of our skills and experience to organizations and companies who are looking for real, practical solutions and advice on how to develop and utilize their IT infrastructure and services more effectively.<br/>We deliver a dedicated business support service specifically designed to meet your business needs. Because we are constantly fine-tuning our service we offer the latest in equipment and ideas. From consultation to implementation, we give the best IT solutions and the best IT support. Our skills and services are continually evolving to meet the demands of business and home users.<br/><br/>Web Designing Services:<br/><br/>Effective Web site design basically means three things: A site that contains useful information is easy to navigate and has eye appeal. It&#39;s that basic, and we get the job done. Web Design involves understanding each business and applying common sense to decide which aspects of your business lend them selves to marketing on the Internet. In today high-tech world, a business without a website is missing out on millions of potential customers. We can help you obtain your online presence, by registering the domain name of your product or company. We can offer lots of different hosting packages to suit all needs. <br/>We provide a professional custom-designed Web site at a reasonable price. We are large enough to do a professional job but small enough to provide the level of customer support you deserve. We want you to be satisfied with your Web site and with our continuous customer support. Our clients are our top priority because our success depends on the success of our clients&#39; sites. We offer a free consultation for new Web site development, and a free evaluation and consultation for the redesign of an existing Web site.<br/>Fox tech Computing Co. has all the latest graphic design tools and programming techniques. We provide a One-Stop-Shop that will deal with Computer Selection, Email, Web Site, Name Registration, Hosting and Site Maintenance. Whether developing a web based application for use internally (an Intranet) or wish to extend an application to deal with your customers / suppliers electronically (an Extra net), it is essential that any development be done in a flexible, scalable and cost effective way. By adhering strictly to standards and best practices Fox tech Computing Co. will ensure that you get a web based application that will be flexible, reliable, easily maintained and will scale with you as your business grows in the future<br/><br/>Programming<br/><br/>We provide custom software development. Our goal in application development is helping you do business better than your competition. We have specialized in entry systems, stand alone interactive kiosks and inventory management applications. You tell us what you need and we will create the application that will best suit your business. Our experienced programming experts will work with you to discuss what you need and provide consulting services as well. After the application is developed, our staff will install the application and provide support and training thereafter.
  • Product/Service : Web Designing Services,Programming,Database Development,Registration + Hosting, Multimedia CD Catalogues, E-Solutions, Ebay Design Portfolio, E-Commerce Portfolio, Web Development Portfolio, Logo Designs
  • Category : Business Services
  • Contact Person : Mr. Bilal Yousaf
  • Link More : Pakistan Business Services ,Pakistan Design Services
  • Telephone :
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  • Address : OPP: Leadership College, Khadim Ali Road
  • Website : www.foxtech.com.pk
  • Business Type : Other