• About Us : A professionally managed company, Karni Exports is a leading manufacturer and exporter of fine quality Ladies fashion garments like Skirts, Woven Tops ,Dresses, Blouses, Tshirts, Shirts, Camisoles, Trousers, Pants, Kids JAI TULSI CORPORATIONars , & Home Textiles products like bedsheets, quilts, curtains, cushions ,Rugs etc. <br/>We take pride in introducing ourselves as one of India&#39;s leading manufacturers and exporters of Ladies Fashion Garments & Home Textiles, Made-ups products. Our elite range of products is in tune with the international trends focusing on intricate details, contemporary designs and scheduled deliveries. We are committed to offering the best service, at the best price! <br/>Infrastructure : To keep abreast with the latest in fashion world, we possess a well-equipped production, backed by Juki & Pegasus. We have a team of designers, which is engaged in designing dresses that are a fusion of modern style and traditional look. Our apparels are given an excellent finishing touch by using latest technology. We also have inhouse facility of Knitted garments as well as woven garments. <br/> Product Customization : We posses in-house facilities to work on our clients&#39; desired design or style of garments. Taking care of all manufacturing methods tailored to clients requirement is the key of our motto service for satisfaction. <br/>Principle market of the Company : U.S.A., Canada, UK, Spain, Israel , <br/>Europe, japan, middle east etc. <br/>Clients : We have an excellent reputation in the verticals of this industry across the world, specially USA and Europe. Our impeccable credentials have given us a firm stand to maintain the relations with our clients by providing them customer satisfaction. <br/>We already have our ONLINE Global Virtual Showroom on our web <br/> in that we have our all products range listed as a Digital Catelouge. <br/>If you are interetsed in our products then we can start with simple sample order,we can send you samples . <br/>Pls contact for complete details of all above products, color, size and wholesale price. <br/> Thanxs and keep in touch <br/>Regards. <br/>KARNI EXPORTS <br/>G1-155,EPIP,Garment Zone <br/>Sitapura Industrial Area ,Tonk road, <br/>Jaipur, ( Rajasthan) India. <br/>INDIA-302022 <br/>Contact person : <br/>Mr. Pradeep Nahata : +91-98281-99329 <br/>e-Mail : <br/>www.karniexports.com
  • Product/Service : DRESSES,SKIRTS,TUNICS,BLOUSES,SCARVES,, skirts tie & dye, BATH TOWELS,tunics blouses tops shirts kaftans ponchos etc, apparel processing services, kidswear Girls skirts, WOMENS DRESSES PRINTED & WHITE & TYE & DYE, , STOLES PAREOS SHAWLS BANDHANA FASHION ACC, kidswear dresses printed & dyed & tie&dye, banjara bags,hand bags,evening bags,jhola bag, , cotton white long skirts, QUILTS
  • Category : Apparel & Clothing
  • Contact Person : Mr. NAHATA PRADEEP
  • Link More : India Apparel & Clothing ,India Childrens Clothing
  • Telephone :
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  • Website : www.karniexports.com
  • Business Type : Manufacturer, Buying Office, Distributor/Wholesale