• Company Name : Locustechnologies Pvt Ltd
  • About Us : Locus Technologies Pvt. Ltd. <br/>Formerly known, as LaraSoft is a software company of International repute established in the year 1999 by a set of young, energetic, IT-Savvy and qualified professionals. A team of experienced professionals executes the projects undertaken by the company. Locustechnologies Pvt Ltd have satisfied our national and international clients with our extreme quality. We are situated at Chennai, India. NASSCOM identifies Chennai as the most perfect IT location in India. Chennai has scored 3.20 points out of 4 considering facts such as availability of manpower, data communication facilities, Airport facility, Cost of living etc. It also says that IT companies would benefit an overall cost of 30% - 40% if their operations are located in Chennai, vis- -vis other international cities. <br/> <br/> <br/>Vision <br/>To contribute a major share to the growth of Information Technology in a global level by providing prompt and efficient Internet related services using state-of-the-art technologies. <br/> <br/>Team <br/>A team of management, technical and marketing professionals govern the company activities. All are technically qualified and have international exposure. The Software development group consists of 10 software professionals in various technologies. This team includes professional artists for creative works. <br/> <br/> <br/>Infrastructure <br/>Our infrastructure constitutes a very well architectured development center with a congenial atmosphere and a conglomeration of high tech computers and peripherals. <br/> <br/>Technologies <br/>We use following tools and technologies for out various IT Solutions <br/> <br/>Web Technologies <br/> <br/>Java/Java Servlets/RMI/Java Beans/CORBA/JSP/EJB/ColdFusion/HTML/DHTML/JavaScript/XML/ASP. <br/> <br/>Platforms <br/> <br/>NT/Unix/Linux/AIX/Solaris <br/> <br/>Database <br/> <br/>PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, Ms Access <br/> <br/>Web Server <br/> <br/>Apache, IIS, Weblogic <br/> <br/>Tools <br/> <br/>DreamWeaver/MS FrontPage2000/Adobe Photoshop/Macromedia Flash.
  • Product/Service : Network engineering,web solutions
  • Category : Business Services
  • Contact Person : Mr. rk raman
  • Link More : India Business Services ,India Agency Services
  • Telephone :
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  • Address : A4 Green Inns Appt, Mg Road, Besant Nagar
  • Business Type : Manufacturer