• Company Name : Mike Conner Jerseys
  • About Us : Here at Tango, it's Mike Conner Jerseys job to know every nitty-gritty detail about love and relationships. That's why we teamed up with YAHOO! Personals and Carat USA to conduct an online survey unlike any done before, questioning 1, 000 women to find out how their relationship status affects their behavior, their hopes, and even their credit card balances. We wondered: Do breakups turn us into born-again gym bunnies? (Nope. ) Do single girls climb the career ladder faster? (Maybe. ) And is there a causal link between romantic bliss and shoe buying? (And how! It turns out there are reasons Jimmy Choos loomed large on Sex and the City. ) So read on to learn more about the LoveStage you're in. . . And what it reveals about your life. "The Free Agent" LoveStage: Single and not looking Your top priority: Are you busy starting a business? Raising a kid? Writing a best seller? Whatever your focus, the majority of you said "obtaining knowledge, " not finding Mr. Right, is your goal right now. Your bottom line: Financially, you think long-term. Fiscally ambitious, you're also the thriftiest of the LoveStages in the here and now Fiscally ambitious, you're also the thriftiest of the LoveStages in the here and now. In fact, you're decidedly anti-impulse buy, spending 30 percent less than any other group on clothing, shoes, or La Perla. Fun fact: Hot wheels, not hot dates? Free Agents are more likely to invest in a new car in the next 12 months than any other LoveStage. Celeb poster child: George Clooney "The Connector" LoveStage: Single and looking Your top priority: Meeting new people, natch. You log four times as many hours on MySpace (and other social networking sites) as any other LoveStage. But you're a networker extraordinaire, and there to meet all types, not just eligible ones. Your bottom line: Well, you never met an espadrille you didn't like. Connectors spend 17 percent more on shoes than any other LoveStage Connectors spend 17 percent
  • Product/Service : Jerseys,Shoes,Hats
  • Country/Region : United States >
  • Category : Shoes & Footwear
  • Contact Person : Mr. Mike Conner |||Director/CEO/General Manager
  • Link More : United States Shoes & Footwear ,United States Sports Shoes
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  • Address : 7202 Via Romera
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  • Business Type : Distributor/Wholesaler