• Company Name : Namdev Silicates & Chemicals Pvt Limited
  • About Us : Namdev Silicates & Chemicals Pvt Limited manufacturers of Refined Chemicals from Chemical Wastes containing <br/>Spent Catalysts of Nickel , Copper and Zinc and we are located at Taloza in Navimumbai and head office at Reay Road in Mumbai. We were in the line of <br/>manufacture since 1989
  • Product/Service : Nickel sulphate,Nickel Chloride,Nickel Carbonate
  • Category : Chemicals
  • Contact Person : Mr. Pradeep Jajodia
  • Link More : India Chemicals ,
  • Telephone :
  • Address : Ist Floor, Devidayal Main House, Reay Road east
  • Website : www.nscpl.co.in
  • Business Type : Manufacturer