• Company Name : Nipon Computer.com
  • About Us : Domains<br/>Nipon Computer.com offer the best all-in-one domain search on the internet. In addition to checking registration status, Nipon Computer.com also search all major domains for sale market listings. You have the best chance of finding the domain that best fits your needs. Nipon Computer.com offer the latest TLDs at the industry&#39;s lowest. You can register a domain for up to 70% less than other registrars and get hosting, an easy-to-use site-builder, personalized email account, blog/podcast tool, photo album and more - all absolutely FREE. We get you up and running on the Web for just the cost of your domain registration.<br/><br/>Site Builders<br/>WebSite Tonight has helped thousands of people build and launch their own Web sites with absolutely no technical skills. Just choose a professional layout from the dozens of themes available (restaurant, how-to, etc), then click and type right into the text boxes provided. Select photos and music with a couple of clicks, add widgets, plus a forum, guestbook and links to any online photo albums. Nipon Computer.com also sells Quick Blogcast to get your voice on the Internet! Blogging lets you post your thoughts and photos on the &#39;Net and interact with your web site&#39;s visitors. For those who don&#39;t wish to build their own Web sites, the Nipon Computer.com Dream Design Team is available to create sleek, professional Web sites. <br/><br/>Web Hosting<br/>Nipon Computer.com is a large hostname provider. In addition to a range of reasonably-priced shared hosting plans, Nipon Computer.com offers Dedicated and Virtual Dedicated servers. All plans come with a 99.9% uptime commitment, round-the-clock support and access to dozens of free downloadable applications through Nipon Computer.com Hosting Connection. All Nipon Computer.com data centers feature integrated monitoring and fire systems, cutting-edge security technology and 24/7 onsite security staff. You can be sure any Web site hosted by us is monitored 24-hours-a-day by experts. <br/><br/>Email<br/>At Nipon Computer.com, each email account comes with a truly one-of-a-kind address. Forget those strings of nonsensical letters and numbers you get with other email accounts - each Nipon Computer.com email address has your domain name right in it. This makes it super easy for friends, customers and colleagues familiar with your domain name to remember your Nipon Computer.com email address. All Nipon Computer.com email accounts are fast, ultra-reliable and secure. They&#39;re protected from spam and viruses and they&#39;re advertising-free. You can access your Nipon Computer.com email through your Web browser or popular email clients like Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express. You can even send SMS and text mail-right from your compose window! Choose from several email plans.<br/><br/>Business<br/>Nipon Computer.com offers a complete line of eCommerce and online marketing tools, all designed for the user with no knowledge of programming. Quick Shopping Cart has everything you need to sell products online. Whether you use it as a stand-alone storefront or add it to an existing Web site, all you do is customize your product catalog, design your site and you&#39;re in business! Some companies require a monthly fee PLUS a percentage of the total transactions for a shopping cart but not Nipon Computer.com. With Quick Shopping Cart, you simply pay a monthly fee. The rest is all yours. Nipon Computer.com customers may also order a professional logo, ad banners, a complete business identity and a Web site design from the experts on our Dream Design Team.<br/><br/>About Nipon Computer.com<br/>Nipon Computer.com now is a large domain, Web site hosting and SSL provider. We strive to provide innovative products and services at a great value. Our mission has been and still is to provide that rarest combination - the highest quality products and reliability.
  • Product/Service : Web Hosting,Web Design,Domain Name,Advertisement,SEO
  • Category : Business Services
  • Contact Person : Mr. Yuri Suarez
  • Link More : United States Business Services ,
  • Telephone :
  • Fax :
  • Address : 836 Beaver Creek dr.
  • Website : www.AllWebUsa.com
  • Business Type : Business Service (Transportation, finance, travel,