• Company Name : One Stop Financial Freedom
  • About Us : One Stop Financial Freedom was established in 2004, based in Malaysia. We are looking for people or company to invest in Mutual Fund, Shares and others. <br/>One of the main sector is Swiss Mutual Fund (1948) , a 60 year Investment trademark with solid reputation. <br/>For more information about Swiss Mutual Fund, please visit . To invest with Swiss Mutual Fund, you must first register with SwissCash. <br/>The SwissCash objective is to make ordinary people SwissCash Millionaires. If you want to invest in Swiss Mutual Fund directly, your minimum investment is $2, 000, 000 but with SwissCash, it&#39;s only $100 minimum. Think about it. The SwissCash philosophy is based on a Guaranteed Fixed Return-you know when you will receive your investment returns <br/>Total investment in SwissCash financial facility by global investors as of Sept &#39;05 is $27. 2 Million and is targeted to grow to $3 Billion by 2010. <br/>For nearly 60 years, Swiss Mutual Fund has been helping corporations achieve their unique financial goals, it&#39;s now time to help individual investors achieve the same. <br/>SwissCash Vision-The 2010 of SwissCash: <br/>The Virtual Stock Market <br/>The Internet & Mobile Entertainment <br/>The SwissCash Million Dollar Club <br/>Do you believe in the word "diversify"? While you still can make money with other affiliate or autosurf for cash programs, you should think about investing part of your profits with SwissCash and start making more money. With the recent downfall of the autosurf industry, it&#39;s time to change. <br/>Can you make money with SwissCash? Yes, of course, everyone can! One of my introducer earned at least USD63K last month (Mei &#39;06) with group sales over USD2 Million and is now driving a BMW 5 Series. So what are you waiting for? This is not HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) . With SwissCash, you do not need to surf daily. Just logon when you want to withdraw or re-invest. <br/>You don&#39;t need to have $10K to invest, you can start with only $130 and then invest again in $100 increments whenever you wish. It&#39;s really easy as you simply wiretransfer / TT your funds to the company. You can also contact me for cash or e-gold exchange services. Get my contact at the bottom of this page. <br/>Remember, with SwissCash, you can still Make Money for Doing Nothing or Make More Money for Doing SomeThing! , Continue reading for more information <br/>Every one must get it. . . Why: <br/>* NO RECRUITING-You can earn monthly without referring anyone but you will earn extraordinary income if you do. <br/>* NO PHYSICAL PRODUCTS-Investment is your product and you do not have any problems with delivery, anyone can have the products from anywhere <br/>* NO STOCKING-No more useless products in your kitchen, car, store etc <br/>* NO MEETINGS-No need to attend meetings or presentations. <br/>* NO TRAINING-You do not need special training, it&#39;s very simple. <br/>* NO TRAVELING-Save on fuel, tolls, parking etc. <br/>Here is an example. . . . <br/>Example: You invest $1000 and you are automatically qualified for SIP, SAP, SRP & SFP. Then you refer Joe, who invests $1000. You earn SAP 10% ( $100) immediately. Next month, you receive SIP 10% ( $100) and Joe receives SIP 10% ( $100) . You also automatically receive SRP 10% ( $10) from Joe&#39;s SIP. When Joe re-invests his SIP, you receive another SRP 10% ( $10) . <br/>So, every time Joe receives SIP, you receive SRP 10% . Every time Joe re-invests his SIP, you receive SRP 10% . Imagine if you refer 10 people this month. You will receive at least 10 or multiple SRP&#39;s every month as long as your referral is still active. <br/>Remember, you still receive your SIP according to the 15 month plan above. <br/>I haven&#39;t mentioned the SFP yet, which is a Matching Bonus from your group sales. You will receive up to $1000 for every $10, 000 matching bonus for the month. <br/>Do the calculation and you can become a SwissCash Millionaire! ! ! <br/>We&#39;re making money with All of this matter, what about you? ? ? <br/>Take this opportunity, do it now. . . <br/>
  • Product/Service : Internet Marketing,Regional Investment
  • Category : Business Services
  • Contact Person : Mr. gopu kannan
  • Link More : Malaysia Business Services ,Malaysia Project Cooperation
  • Telephone :
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  • Address : Q-1-9 Desa Relau
  • Website : www.roadtomillionaire.biz/gopu
  • Business Type : Other