• Company Name : PopularYellowPages.com
  • About Us : The Holding Company <br/>Mediacorp Ltd is an international company with its registered address at 145-157, St. John Street, London ECIV 4PY. Its principal activities include the provision of wireless and broadband applications services made available through the setting-up of subsidiary company in each respective country of operations. <br/>Domino Application System Sdn Bhd is PopularYellowPages.com country subsidiary, set-up to operate and effectively serve businesses in Malaysia and other countries, for their online presence and in reaching out national and international customers. <br/>Mediacorp Ltd and Domino Application System Sdn Bhd are both debt free companies. We are here to stay-and we are here to provide a competitive world class services. <br/>The Technology Centre and Operation <br/>The competition between companies engaged in e-business, raised the stakes so high that the choice of having an appropriate Data Centre has come to be a crucial factor in the provision of a quality online service. <br/>Domino Application System Sdn Bhd owns a Technology Centre and runs the day to day operation with a world class technology and performance management capabilities. Popularyellowpages. Com is specially hosted here-our own self-funded Technology Centre. We do not subscribe to sharing, renting or co-locating at a third party&#39;s data centre. <br/>Beside the purpose built Technology Centre, we have achieved another good balance: the new, fast and reliable infrastructure, comprising IBM servers and other equipment, work in perfect synchronicity with our directory system. <br/>The Directory <br/>PopularYellowPages. Com is an online business directory. It has loads of features, among others but not limited to, &#39;current&#39; advertisements, products &#39;purchase links&#39; and images. Ample spaces for images are made available for business logo, profiles and products / services. <br/>The directory system is developed and maintained by our own team of professionals. We have yet to come accross, if any, such a system or a full featured and user friendly directory. The advertisements are totally controlled online by each respective advertiser, right through expiration. And this is one of the many &#39;popular&#39; features, made possible by providing a dedicated "Advertiser Control File". <br/>From our findings and true to its name, PopularYellowPages. Com is getting overwhelming response from advertisers and visitors alike. <br/>
  • Product/Service : Online Directory,Classifieds,Internet And Wireless Services
  • Category : Business Services
  • Contact Person : Ms. Fara Aswati
  • Link More : Malaysia Business Services ,Malaysia Advertising
  • Telephone :
  • Fax :
  • Address : 905g, Diamond Complex
  • Website : www.popularyellowpages.com
  • Business Type : Other