• Company : Shenzhen Simeiquan Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
  • Region : Guangdong , China
  • Category : Chemicals > Pharmaceutical Chemicals
  • Contact Person : ableson|||
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  • Update : Jan/04/2015
  • Product Details

    Masteron Enanthate Anabolic Steroid Powder Drostanolone Enanthate for Muscle Growth and sex enhance Quick Detail: Drostanolone Enanthate Alias: Masteron Drostanolone Drolban Masteron Enanthate CAS:472-61-145 MF: C27H44O3 MW: 416.64 Purity: 99% Appearance: white crystalloid powder. Description: The Enanthate version of Masteron, DHT (dihydrotestosterone) derivative is Masteron Enanthate. It is generally referred to as Mastabol, Mast, or Masto. It is an injectable anabolic steroid. Its chemical name is Drostanolone Enanthate. Masteron Enanthate belongs to 2a-methyl group, and as a result is unable to convert itself to estrogen and progesterone. Be taught extra info on the affiliated portfolio by going to wholesale tinnitus miracle review. Medically, it is utilised for treating breast cancer. Masteron Enanthate is the anabolic steroid that is slow acting, but is acts for longer period of time. In fact, Masteron Enanthate comes with an ester, Enanthate attached to the drostanolone, and Enanthate is responsible for slower, but longer release of hormone. This house of Masteron Enanthate offers it an edge over the Propionate version of Masteron, which is fast and quick acting anabolic steroid. For its quickly and shot life span, Masteron Propionate is required to be injected time and once more, but it is not identical with Masteron Enanthate, which usually calls for to be injected twice per week. Masteron Enanthate is 1 of the favorite injectable anabolic steroids of bodybuilders and athletes. In the event people require to identify extra information on web flavilicious fitness, we recommend heaps of online resources you should pursue. The home that makes it preferred of jocks is that it has anti-estrogenic properties due to which it does not convert to estrogen by way of aromatization, and it performs for longer durations. As a result, Masteron Enanthate is an estrogen inhi

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