• Company Name : Shandong Wanda Welding Material Import And Expo...
  • About Us : Shandong Wanda Import and Export Ltd. is designing and manufacturing wires for hardfacing, Shandong Wanda Import and Export Ltd. provides related Shandong Wanda Welding Material Import And Expo...lding know-how, specialized equipments various hardfacing wiresï¼Ĺˇgas-shielded, submerged and self-shielded arc welding with diameters from 0.8mm to 4.0mm, applied in iron & steel, cement, mining, power, and heavy duty machineries. Meanwhile, Shandong Wanda Import ..
  • Product/Service : welding electrode,welding,co2 gas shielded welding wire, copper free welding wire, submerged arc welding wire, argon arc welding wire,submerged arc welding flux
  • Category : General Industrial Equipment
  • Link More : China General Industrial Equipment ,
  • Telephone :
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  • Address : Jinan, Shandong, China
  • Website : sdvata.org/
  • Business Type : Manufacturing