• Company Name : Unitek Group
  • About Us : Unitek Group, with the brand name UNITEK,COLORSit,ATRIX and CS, is one of the worldwide leading manufacturers in computer peripheral products and digital consumer electronic products. Unitek was founded in Shenzhen China in 1993 with the vision that electronic products revolutionize the way people interact with their PCs. Unitek currently is with more than 100,000 square meters' workshop and more than 4,500 employees. Since launching the phenomenally successful PC cases, poUnitek Groupr supplies, multimedia speakers, 5.1 channel Home theatre systems, keyboards, mice, MP3 players, Unitek has begun to integrate its technology, capital, huge user base, strong brand name to expand into the LCD products market that comprise LCD monitor, LCD TV. Now a new giant manufacturing base located in Jiangsu province has been completed, meanwhile, being put into production since Oct.,2006. Over the years, Unitek has learned that corporate' s competitiveness is based on quality. Throughout the entire process, from the early design phase to the final stages of quality control, Unitek insists on excellence. Relying on the most advanced equipment and technology available, Unitek adheres to the most stringent testing standards. To achieve high production levels while maintaining the highest possible quality, and to make sure that Unitek always meets its goal of near flawless manufacturing,Unitek's management philosophy is 'quality first'. That' s the reason why Unitek gathers the most up-to-date and accurate industrial intelligence, using it as a resource in seeking technical solutions and product innovation. The manufacturing processes thoroughly test each product at every stage of assembly and a final inspection to assure its quality exceeding the expectations of its customers. Unitek's facilities are certified for ISO9001 international quality standard.
  • Product/Service : lcd monitor,lcd tv,22 inch wide LCD Monitor
  • Country/Region : China >
  • Category : Computer Hardware & Software
  • Contact Person : Mr. lin Eric (Sales)
  • Link More : China Computer Hardware & Software ,China PC Peripherals
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  • Address : Baoan, Shenzhen, China/Guangdong, China
  • Website : http://www.unitekworld.com
  • Business Type : Manufacturing