• Company Name : US Agent Services
  • About Us : US Agent Services provide information services to companies outside the usa about companies, products or services, etc located here in the usa.If your company needs help to either understand who or what your competitors here in the usa are doing to either sell, advertise, market their products similar products and services here in the usa, we can gather this information for your company and send this information to your company, so as to help your company make better comparison products/services and/or improve your advertising/marketing for the usa market place. <br/> <br/>Maybe you need catalogs, advertising circulars, magazines, newspapers, brochures, etc... that you are unable to attain in your country about companies located in the usa.We can collect and send these items to you and help your company make clear decisions on the usa markets. <br/> <br/>Maybe you would like to sample products that you can only buy here in the usa, samples of products that your companies also make.We can purchase these products and send them to your company.These products can help you to make better decisions on your products or help you make comparisons to your competitors products and help you to sell more items here in the usa. <br/> <br/>If you need a special service from a company located in the usa, we can help.Never hesitate to ask us any question, as we will consider all service questions. <br/> <br/>Pricing is dependent upon services needed, and pricing can be negotited to benefit both companies.
  • Product/Service : Business to business services, such as information gathering services for international companies outside the united states that need information about the USA market place.
  • Category : Business Services
  • Contact Person : Mr. Hans Kaio
  • Link More : United States Business Services ,
  • Telephone :
  • Fax :
  • Address : 1413 E. Nichols Circle
  • Business Type : Agent