• About Us : About Innova Biotechnologies: <br/>Innova biotechnologies is an aggregation of intellects from different streams viz, Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Biochemistry, and Veterinary. Innova biotechnology is a company run by close group of intellect who has good expertise in their relevant field, now they all come together to put their knowledge combined to contribute in Animal health industry, to give some meaningful definition to animal health. Animal Health industry needs innovation, research and out of the box thinking to bring about change in this traditional business, the need of the hINNOVA BIOTECHNOLOGIES is to to bring innovative products to the market combining different stratms of modern sciences, to contribute in animal health, so Innova Biotechnologies raise a mission to contribute highest level of scientific knowledge to bring about prosperity and wealth in Animal health. <br/>Mission: Using tools and techniques of modern science combining all their streams to bring about positive change of health and happiness in Animal health industry. <br/>Vision: Constantly researching and developing new molecules to bring about Innovations in Animal health industry.
  • Product/Service : ANIMAL FEED SUPPLEMENTS,Feed Preservative and Toxicity binder., Anabolite, Vit B complex for Poultry, Growth Promoter,Poultry supplement, Poultry Feed Supplement, Anticoccidiatat
  • Category : Chemicals
  • Contact Person : Mr. TARVINDER OBEROI
  • Link More : India Chemicals ,
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  • Address : 461 Khurbura, Near RAM Piyari Inter School
  • Website : www.innovabiotechnologies.com
  • Business Type : Manufacturer, Trading Company