• Company : RD Health Ingredients Co., Ltd
  • Region : Shanxi , China
  • Category : Agriculture > Plant Extract
  • Specification : Specification: 20%, 40%, 98%
  • Contact Person : Rita Huang|||Sale Manager
  • Telephone :
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  • Website : www.herb-solutions.com
  • Email : [email protected]
  • Update : May/11/2015
  • Product Details

    Aloe Vera extract Description Aloe vera extract is made from milling the leaves of the aloe vera, grows in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, America, and Europe. Aloe vera contains several vitamins, mineral and amino acids, which has been used universally for centuries for its medicinal properties. Aloe medications can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin. Aloe gel is taken by mouth for osteoarthritis, bowel diseases including ulcerative colitis, fever, itching and inflammation, and as a general tonic. Aloe vera extract is also used for stomach ulcers, diabetes, asthma, and for treating some side effects of radiation treatment. Premium Aloe Vera Extract products: 1. Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Products: 1:1 Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Juice 10:1 Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Concentrated Juice 100:1 Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Freeze Dried Powder Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Dried Powder 2. Aloe Vera Gel Products: 1:1Aloe Vera Gel Juice 10:1 Aloe Vera Gel Concentrate Juice 100:1 Aloe Vera Gel Spray Dried Powder 200:1 Aloe Vera Gel Spray Dried Powder 200:1 Aloe Vera Ge Freeze Dried Powder 3. Aloe Vera extract Products: Aloe vera Aloin powder; 20% 40% 98% HPLC Aloin A+B 40% Aloe vera extract Function: 1. With the function of anti-bactericidal and anti-inflammatory, aloin can accelerate the concrescence of the wounds; 2. Eliminating waste material from the body and promoting the blood circulation; 3. With the function of whitening and moisturizing skin, especially in treating acne; 4. Eliminating the pain and treating hangover, sickness, seasickness; 5. Preventing skin being damaged from UV radiation and making skin soft and elastic. Aloe vera extract Aloin Application: 1. Applied in the fields of food and health product , Aloe vera extract powder is contains a lot of amino acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, which can help body with better health care; 2. Applied in pharmaceutical field, Aloe